forklift tools, racks, farm tractors, vehicles

Wednesday 02 November 2022 14:30
PLAISIANS , PLAISIANS salle des fêtes RD 526 26170 Plaisians
Sale information

This list is subject to change until the time of the sale.

The numbers appearing in the list do not correspond to lots, but to inventory

inventory references, these materials will not be systematically detailed and may be

and may be grouped together.

The auction sale directed by Maître Laurent CHETBOUN,

Auctioneer, is subject to the following detailed conditions of sale:

fees 15%ht , i.e. 18% VAT included payment by credit card or bank transfer

exhibition from 9H30 to 12H

compulsory registration before the sale

possibility to bid on MONITEURLIVE by registering on

removal by appointment for large items

Sales conditions