PUBLIC AUCTION Following the judicial liquidation of the SOCIETE BRUCHOISE DE MECANIQUE DE PLAINE Thursday Dec. 15 at 2:00 pm Visit from 10am to 12pm or by appointment Place of the sale : Salle polyvalente, 166 rue du Général de Gaulle 67130 LA BROQUE Place of the visit :597 rue de la Falle in 67420 CHAMPENAY - PLAINE, Sale of professional equipment & tools Graffenstaden milling machine, AKBEND profile bending machine, LINCOLN Electric digital plating cutter, COLCHESTER MASTIFF lathe, mortising machine, welding machine, AIR CENTER compressor, carts, hoists & ladders, servants, tools and hardware ... Sale directed by Master SINGER and Master CAPPELAERE Catalog visible on & In cash - Expenses in addition SCP Francois SINGER & Katia TRESCH Associated bailiffs 14 rue Osterfeld 67310 WASSELONNE & ALIZENCHERES approval number :Z.A. Sous Lambelloup - 9 Rue de la Verrerie 55000 FAINS VEEL